Chase Partners

Tool to Identify Potential Chase Partners

Chase Partner Planning

Request Someone to Chase With

Using the information you provided in the Storm Chasers Database, add the date range you want to chase, the location you need to be picked up from, and how you are willing to contribute (finances, vehicle, food, hotels, gas, driving, spotting, forecasting, radar watching, media brokering, etc).

Take Someone Along

Using the information you provided in the Storm Chasers Database, add the date range you want to chase, the location you are leaving from, and what kind of contributions you are looking for (finances, vehicle, food, hotels, gas, driving, spotting, forecasting, radar watching, media brokering, etc).

Chase Partner Emergencies

Request Immediate Pickup

Car break down? Run out of gas? Get dumped on the side of the road because you're a terrible navigator? Log in, enter your location and a short note about your situation, and request an emergency pickup. Nearby chasers will be notified that you need to be picked up.

Get Notified of Pickup Needs

Through push notifications on your cell phone and alerts on this website, you will get notified when a fellow chaser needs an immediate pickup. You can also view who has responded to the emergency.